Sunday, January 18, 2015

Welcome World!

Hello! Thanks for finding me and stopping by. I hope you stay awhile, so sit down and enjoy my little piece of blogging world!
My name is Sarah and I am a 20 something teacher, wife, avid book reader, creator, baker and dreamer.
Sounds cliche, I know, but it's me....
I live in central North Carolina, but am a northern transfer. I grew up in Ohio and my family is still there. I came to the south after losing my job as a resource teacher, but a door was opened down here and I have since had 3 different teaching opportunities. (why I seem to change jobs frequently is a whole nother post!)
Currently I am teaching a rough, but sweet class of 1st graders.
I am married to my best friend of 8 (going on 9) years, and we have been married for a little over a year. Our biggest adventure so far is buying a house and trying for a baby.

I have a teaching blog I update, but wanted to create my own little digital journal, if you will, documenting this baby process and life. I hope you are interested and ready to start this journey with me. I am always open to advice, stories and as the name says....sharing. So welcome, and let's explore this life together!


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